Photo Credit: E. Pickett
2025 Summer Rec: June 30th- August 8th
Registration will open in January
In Partnership with Honeoye Falls, Mendon, Lima & HFL Community Programs

To view the recap of Summer Rec 2024 click here.
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The HF-L Summer Recreation program features:
- Day camp for children in grades 1-8
- Operates Monday – Friday. 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
- Lunches available for purchase
- Wide variety of daily activities: sports, arts & crafts, swimming, music, science & nature.
- CIT program for teens that are at least 15 years old.
- Wrap-around care is available through Cougar Care; 6:30 – 9:00 am and 3:00 – 6:00 pm for an additional fee. You must pre-register online at: or use the QR Code:
- Health Appraisal Form
- Summer Rec Medication Authorization Form
- Meet the Staff
- Summer Rec Phone # 351-6053
Proposed sidewalks – Hamlet
Proposed Sidewalk Study
This study has been developed to evaluate the engineering-related considerations of constructing new sidewalks along existing roadways within the Town of Mendon, Monroe County, New York, including the following segments:
• Pittsford-Mendon Road (NY Route 64): Assembly Drive to Pittsford Federal Credit Union
• Mendon-Ionia Road (NY Route 64): Route 251 to Taylor Road
• Victor-Mendon Road (NY Route 251): Route 64 to Mile Square Road
• Mile Square Road (County Road 70): Lehigh Valley Trail to Taylor Road
• Taylor Road: Route 64 to Route 251
Existing sidewalks are present along NY Route 64 and NY Route 251 in the immediate hamlet area.
This study focuses on the portion of the subject corridors without existing sidewalks, where new sidewalks would be constructed. The existing sidewalks would be connected to and are assumed to remain in place.
The full study can be found here.
DISCLAIMER – The Town of Mendon is required by law to publish legal notices of fire districts within its geographical boundaries on an official website if it has one. Fire districts are separate municipal entities and the Town of Mendon has no jurisdiction over them, nor makes any claim or guarantee relative to the above notices.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 260 of
the Town Code of the Town of Mendon, a public hearing will be held by the Town of
Mendon Zoning Board of Appeals at the Mendon Town Hall, 16 West Main Street,
Honeoye Falls, NY, in said town, on Thursday, March 27, 2025, at 7:00 pm for the
purpose of hearing all persons interested in the following application:
An area variance application by Joshua Cawley, 1100 Pittsford Mendon Center
Road, Honeoye Falls, NY, consisting of 10 +/- acres, requesting relief from Section 260-8
(D), to construct a driveway to a single-family dwelling on property located off Pittsford
Mendon Center Road with a 61’ lot width, whereas code requires a minimum of 100’ lot
width at the road right of way and therefore requires an area variance. Zoned RA-5. Tax
account no. 204.02-1-38.
The Zoning Board of Appeals will at said time and place hear all persons in support of the application or in objection thereto. Persons may appear in person or by an agent.
Dated: March 4, 2025
Mendon Zoning Board of Appeals
Brooke Buckland, Planning and Zoning Board Secretary
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 260 of
the Town Code of the Town of Mendon, a public hearing will be held by the Town of
Mendon Zoning Board of Appeals at the Mendon Town Hall, 16 West Main Street,
Honeoye Falls, NY, in said town, on Thursday, March 27, 2025, at 7:00 pm for the
purpose of hearing all persons interested in the following application:
An area variance application by Matt Koelsch, 1065 Cheese Factory Road,
Honeoye Falls, NY, consisting of 1.57 acres, requesting relief from Section 260-106, to
construct a two-story pole barn with a 33’8” front set back, whereas code requires a
minimum of 60’ front setback and therefore requires an area variance. Zoned RA-1. Tax
account no. 223.02-1-11.
The Zoning Board of Appeals will at said time and place hear all persons in support of the application or in objection thereto. Persons may appear in person or by an agent.
Dated: March 4, 2025
Mendon Zoning Board of Appeals
Brooke Buckland, Planning and Zoning Board Secretary
Town of Mendon
Request for Quotation for Preferred Source Document Scanning Vendor,
Records Management Software and Accessories
Document Conversion and Access Services
February 17, 2025
The Town of Mendon, located in Monroe County, NY, is requesting quotations from qualified
vendors for (1) records imaging through scanning, (2) records indexing, (3) integration of
newly scanned records into a new cloud-based electronic document management software
system, (4) purchase of cloud-based electronic document management system, (5) training of
Town Staff on the use of the cloud-based electronic document management system, and (6)
procuring a large format printer and scanner for Town staff to utilize to print and scan large
format documents. This project seeks to (1) convert paper Building and Codes Department
records to archival digital format with proper indexing and (2) properly integrate the newly
digitized records into the Town’s new electronic document management system. Project
details are listed below.
Vendors may respond to the entire scope of work or portions thereof but must clearly indicate
any scope items that they elect not to respond to. In your response, please include your fee
schedule and itemized cost estimate with per-image costs according to specific activity,
including scanning, indexing, prep work, and quality control. Include these activities as
separate line items. Please note company qualifications specific to each item in the scope of
work. If applying to the electronic document management system item, please include an
overview of the software and its capabilities. If you have any questions, please contact
Abigail Ritz by phone at 585-510-2456 or by email at Minority-
and Women-Owned Business Enterprise firms are encouraged to apply.
Please submit electronic responses to Abigail Ritz by 5:00 P.M. on Wednesday, March 5,
2025, via email at:
Scope of Work:
The Town of Mendon seeks qualified vendor(s) to undertake the following tasks:
(1) Convert paper records of the Town’s Building and Codes Department to digital format
through scanning. This task must include all necessary document preparation,
including culling, removing fasteners, etc., and organizing the files to vendor
preference. Any hand-marking on the file folders or documents will be scanned by the
vendor. The Town will maintain a database of files to manage the exchange of records
with the vendor.
(2) Index the newly digitized Building and Codes Department records in accordance with
the framework of the Town’s new cloud-based electronic document management
(3) Integrate (upload) the newly digitized Building and Codes Department records into
the new electronic document management system. (If responding to this scope item,
quoted fees must include all costs associated with this task, including any fees
(4) Verify quality control of the documents.
(5) Purchase a new electronic document management system for the Town’s use. The
system must be DOD-certified, cloud-based, have multiple users, and have mobile
capability. If responding to this scope item, quoted fees must include any costs
associated with this task, broken down by task; fees must also include one year’s
worth of initial software fees and the cost of training Staff on the use of the new
(6) Purchase a new large-format printer and scanner for the Town’s use. The
printer/scanner must be able to print documents of at least up to 44” and scan
documents of at least up to 36”. The machine must be able to print in scan both in
color and in black and white. It must have a hard drive of 500 GB and be compatible
with a Windows operating system. If responding to this scope item, quoted fees must
include all costs associated with this task, including any fees charged.
Conformance with NYS Archives Guidelines:
In implementing this scope of work, the vendor will follow all relevant New York State
Archives’ publications, including but not limited to:
Records Retention and Disposition Schedule LGS-1
Publication 00: Digital Imaging Guidelines (2022 update)
Publication 42: Guidelines for Off-site Storage of Inactive Local Government Records
Publication 63: Guidelines for Choosing Records Management Software
Publication 77: Managing Imaging Projects (2022 update)
Publication 40: Fundamentals of Managing Local Government Archival Records
Publication 49: Administration of Inactive Records
Publication ADV09.01: Using a Date Storage Vendor
Publication ADV19.01: Quality Control and Content Verification of Digital Images
(2020 Update)
Publication: Using PDF/A as a Preservation Format
This RFQ incorporates by reference the generic guidelines for imaging contained in these
documents, with clarification provided herein. If the products produced in the project do not
meet the specifications, the vendor must immediately redo the appropriate portion of the
project at its own expense.
This RFQ also incorporates by reference the 2025-2026 guidance for the Local Government
Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF). This project is the subject of an
application for funding to the LGRMIF. If the project receives LGRMIF funding, the vendor
will be expected to strictly follow the timelines and requirements specified by the LGRMIF
This RFQ also incorporates by reference Records Retention and Disposition Schedule LGS-
1, last published in August 2020, with updates effective April 1, 2022.
Records to be addressed in this project are:
1. The records to be scanned, indexed, and integrated into the Town’s new cloud-based
electronic document management system are the Building and Codes Department’s
paper records. These records total an approximate volume of 256 cubic feet of paper
records consisting of maps, permits, and other building-, code-, and zoning-related
files. These records include:
256 cubic feet = 127,810 paper file documents located in the Town Records Room and
the Building and Codes Office.
Map (flat file) Files: 151 cubic feet
Paper Files: 105 cubic feet
Total Estimated Cubic Feet: 256 cubic feet
Flat File Total: 14,650 documents
Paper File Total: 113,250 documents
This project will be phased to maximize the efficient flow of operations. The vendor will pick
up and deliver the document in up to three batches or all at once in accordance with a
schedule to be established prior to beginning work. The total project will take the Town one
year, but the scanning portion will be allocated three to four months. Kickoff will be
determined by the NYS Archives award schedule for the 2025-2026 LGRMIF grant program.
The Vendor will perform technical inspection in accordance with the above-referenced NYS
Archives specifications. The Town will also oversee content and quality control inspections
of digital images. The Vendor will address errors in a timely manner.
Return of Records:
The original records will be returned to the Town in a timely manner according to a pre-
arranged schedule.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 260 of the Town Code of the Town of Mendon, a public hearing will be held by the Town of
Mendon Zoning Board of Appeals at the Mendon Town Hall, 16 West Main Street, Honeoye Falls, NY, in said town, on Thursday, February 27, 2025, at 7:00 pm for the
purpose of hearing all persons interested in the following application:
An area variance application by Michael Turner, 4 Churchside Run, Mendon, NY, requesting relief from Section 260-70 (B) to install a free-standing sign located on
property at 3862 Rush Mendon Road, Mendon, NY, whereas the code does not permit freestanding signs and therefore requires an area variance. Zoned Business. Tax account
no. 216.02-1-22.
The Zoning Board of Appeals will at said time and place hear all persons in support of the application or in objection thereto. Persons may appear in person or by an agent.
Dated: February 6, 2025
Mendon Zoning Board of Appeals
Brooke Buckland, Clerk
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 260 of the Town Code of the Town of Mendon, a public hearing will be held by the Town of
Mendon Zoning Board of Appeals at the Mendon Town Hall, 16 West Main Street, Honeoye Falls, NY, in said town, on Thursday, February 27, 2024, at 7:00 pm for the
purpose of hearing all persons interested in the following application:
An area variance application by Sean Finn, 324 Boughton Hill Road, Honeoye Falls, NY, consisting of 26 acres, requesting relief to construct a pole barn in front of the
primary residence, whereas the code does not permit an accessory structure built in front of the primary residence and therefore, requires an area variance. Zoned RA-5. Tax account no. 229.02-1-11.
The Zoning Board of Appeals will at said time and place hear all persons in support of the application or in objection thereto. Persons may appear in person or by an agent.
Dated: February 6, 2025
Mendon Zoning Board of Appeals
Brooke Buckland, Clerk
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mendon Town Board has established the following as meeting dates for its boards, commissions, and committees.
All meetings are held at 7:00 PM at 16 West Main Street, Honeoye Falls, NY.
Town Board: January 6 (Organizational Meeting), February 10, March 10, April 14, May 12, June 9, July 14, August 11, September 8, September 22, October 20, November 10, December 8 and December 29.
Planning Board: the first and third Wednesday of each month.
Zoning Board of Appeals: the second and fourth Thursday of each month as needed.
Environmental Conservation Board: the first Tuesday of each month.
Historic Preservation Commission: the first Wednesday of each month.
Board of Assessment Review – fourth Tuesday in May.
DATED: January 7, 2025
Michelle Booth
Town Clerk
Legal Notice
Town Of Mendon
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Michelle Booth, Receiver of Taxes for the Town of Mendon, has received the 2025 Town and County Collector’s Tax Warrant for the Town of Mendon. Taxes will be received at the Mendon Town Hall, 16 West Main Street, Honeoye Falls, NY 14472-1199, from 8:00AM-4:00PM, Monday through Thursday, and 8:00AM-1:00PM on Fridays, except holidays.
TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that taxes may be paid on or before February 10th without interest. On payments received after such date, there shall be added interest of 1.5% if paid on or before February 28th and an additional 1.5% for each additional month or fraction thereof thereafter until such taxes are paid or until the return of unpaid taxes to the county treasurer pursuant to law.
TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that pursuant to the provisions of law, the tax roll of the Town of Mendon will be returned to the County Treasurer of the County of Monroe on the 1st day of June 2025.
IF YOUR TAXES ARE NOT ESCROWED, AND YOU DO NOT RECEIVE A TAX BILL BY JANUARY 10TH, please contact my office, (585) 624-6060, or email
DATED: December 31, 2024
Michelle Booth
Mendon Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes
The Town of Mendon has been working with Town Engineer, Labella Associates, P.C., to gather information on the costs and procedures for extending access to public drinking water in areas of the Town that currently do not have it.
The Town held an informational meeting at 7:00PM on Monday, April 30, 2018, at the Honeoye Falls-Lima Middle School District Auditorium.
At the meeting, the Town, Labella Associates, and the Monroe County Water Authority conducted a presentation detailing the particulars related to any proposed construction, associated costs and procedures necessary for public water to be extended.
The PowerPoint Presentation from the meeting
is available here (as a pdf).
Please contact the Mendon Town Hall at 585-624-6060, or by email at with any questions or for more information.
Interested in using the Town’s athletic fields on Semmel Road?
The Facilities Use Packet is here.
Draft 2017-2018 Joint Annual Report is on this page.
Click here for all news, including that which may now be obsolete.