Historic Preservation Commission Meeting

Meeting Agenda for June 12, 2024
Town Hall Courtroom, 7PM
16 W. Main St. Honeoye Falls 14472

The Commission is meeting to discuss the following agenda items:
• Review April 2024 Minutes.
• *Time Sensitive: Review and discussion regarding the Ferraro Site Plan Application to the Planning Board.
• Martha Bush: Takeaways from the Statewide Preservation Conference in April
• Update of HPC Member assignments and progress reports.
• Status regarding the evolving spreadsheets re Case Management and prospective new HPC designated properties.
• New: An existing HPC designated property is listed for sale.
• Tom DuBois Town Liaison Report
• Town Historian’s Report
Respectfully submitted by Geoff Tesch
Chairman, Historic Preservation Commission
Town of Mendon, New York