Author: Michelle Booth
Looking for a fun and rewarding job this summer? Be a part of our team working as a Junior Counselor at Summer Rec. Must be…
LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING TOWN OF MENDON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 260 of the Town Code of the…
Proposed sidewalks – Hamlet
Proposed Sidewalk Study This study has been developed to evaluate the engineering-related considerations of constructing new sidewalks along existing roadways within the Town of Mendon,…
TOWN OF MENDON PUBLIC HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Planning Board of the Town of Mendon will hold a Public Hearing, pursuant to Chapter…
Legal Notice PUBLIC NOTICE OF CHANGE OF MEETING DATE FOR THE MENDON FIRE DISTRICT The regular monthly meeting of the Mendon Fire District scheduled for November…