HF-M Sr. Citizen Meetings
For more information on the Senior Citizens Club please contact Priscilla O’Connell at 607-592-6612.
February 4 – January Book Club Discussion – Calamity of Souls by David Baldacci.
Honeoye Falls-Mendon Sr. Citizens Business Meeting:
February 11 – 12:00 PM at the Community Center. Tamara Fox will talk about upcoming trips. BYO lunch.
Members, bring your check if you plan to go on the Cartwright Pancake trip on Tuesday 2/18. Must have 20-25 people to reserve a table or pay for the bus. Must pay $18.59 no later than 2/11; bring a check or mail to Mike O’Connell, 2978 Rush-Mendon Rd, HF, NY 14472; make out to HF-M Sr. Citizens.
Tuesday, February 25 – monthly social meeting. Book Club 11:00 – February Book:
The Wager by David Grann –an 18th century non-fiction history book about a shipwreck on an island off South America, mutiny, and murder.
12:00 Social Meeting – includes BYO lunch, Bingo, cards, games, et
Check out the Facebook page here!