Proposed Local Law 2021-2

Proposed Local Law 2021-2

A local law to amend Section 260-13 “RA-5 Residential Agricultural District” of Chapter 260 “Zoning” of the Town Code.

Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Mendon as follows:

Section I. Legislative Authority.

This local law is enacted pursuant to the authority contained in Municipal Home Rule Law.

Section II. Amendment of RA-5 Residential Agricultural District Section of the Town Code.

Section 260.13 “RA-5 Residential Agricultural District” of Chapter 260 “Zoning” of the Mendon Town Code is hereby amended by deleting subparagraph (12) of paragraph D. “Special for-profit entertainment uses and events” and renumbering the remaining subparagraphs accordingly.

Section III. When effective.

This local law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State of the State of New York