NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 260 of the Town Code of the Town of Mendon, a public hearing will be held by the Town of
Mendon Zoning Board of Appeals at the Mendon Town Hall, 16 West Main Street, Honeoye Falls, NY, in said town, on Thursday, February 27, 2025, at 7:00 pm for the
purpose of hearing all persons interested in the following application:

An area variance application by Michael Turner, 4 Churchside Run, Mendon, NY, requesting relief from Section 260-70 (B) to install a free-standing sign located on
property at 3862 Rush Mendon Road, Mendon, NY, whereas the code does not permit freestanding signs and therefore requires an area variance. Zoned Business. Tax account
no. 216.02-1-22.

The Zoning Board of Appeals will at said time and place hear all persons in support of the application or in objection thereto. Persons may appear in person or by an agent.

Dated: February 6, 2025
Mendon Zoning Board of Appeals
Brooke Buckland, Clerk


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 260 of the Town Code of the Town of Mendon, a public hearing will be held by the Town of
Mendon Zoning Board of Appeals at the Mendon Town Hall, 16 West Main Street, Honeoye Falls, NY, in said town, on Thursday, February 27, 2024, at 7:00 pm for the
purpose of hearing all persons interested in the following application:

An area variance application by Sean Finn, 324 Boughton Hill Road, Honeoye Falls, NY, consisting of 26 acres, requesting relief to construct a pole barn in front of the
primary residence, whereas the code does not permit an accessory structure built in front of the primary residence and therefore, requires an area variance. Zoned RA-5. Tax account no. 229.02-1-11.

The Zoning Board of Appeals will at said time and place hear all persons in support of the application or in objection thereto. Persons may appear in person or by an agent.

Dated: February 6, 2025
Mendon Zoning Board of Appeals
Brooke Buckland, Clerk


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 260 of the Town Code of the Town of Mendon, a public hearing will be held by the Town of
Mendon Zoning Board of Appeals at the Mendon Town Hall, 16 West Main Street, Honeoye Falls, NY, in said town, on Thursday, February 27, 2025, at 7:00 pm for the
purpose of hearing all persons interested in the following application:

An area variance application by Timothy Boldt, 67 Hidden Ridge Trail, Honeoye Falls, NY, consisting of 1.53 acres, requesting relief to construct a 2 ½ car detached
garage in which would exceed the 2% maximum lot coverage by 412 sq ft, whereas code permits 1,333 sq ft of accessory structure and therefore requires an area variance. Zoned RA-1. Tax account no. 221.02-1-45.

The Zoning Board of Appeals will hear all persons in support of the application or in objection thereto at said time and place. Persons may
appear in person or by an agent.

Dated: February 6, 2025
Mendon Zoning Board of Appeals
Brooke Buckland, Clerk



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mendon Town Board has established the following as meeting dates for its boards, commissions, and committees.

All meetings are held at 7:00 PM at 16 West Main Street, Honeoye Falls, NY.

Town Board: January 6 (Organizational Meeting), February 10, March 10, April 14, May 12, June 9, July 14, August 11, September 8, September 22, October 20, November 10, December 8 and December 29.

Planning Board: the first and third Wednesday of each month.

Zoning Board of Appeals: the second and fourth Thursday of each month as needed.

Environmental Conservation Board: the first Tuesday of each month.

Historic Preservation Commission: the first Wednesday of each month.

Board of Assessment Review – fourth Tuesday in May.


DATED: January 7, 2025

Michelle Booth

Town Clerk

Legal Notice

Town Of Mendon

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Michelle Booth, Receiver of Taxes for the Town of Mendon, has received the 2025 Town and County Collector’s Tax Warrant for the Town of Mendon. Taxes will be received at the Mendon Town Hall, 16 West Main Street, Honeoye Falls, NY 14472-1199, from 8:00AM-4:00PM, Monday through Thursday, and 8:00AM-1:00PM on Fridays, except holidays.

TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that taxes may be paid on or before February 10th without interest. On payments received after such date, there shall be added interest of 1.5% if paid on or before February 28th and an additional 1.5% for each additional month or fraction thereof thereafter until such taxes are paid or until the return of unpaid taxes to the county treasurer pursuant to law.

TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that pursuant to the provisions of law, the tax roll of the Town of Mendon will be returned to the County Treasurer of the County of Monroe on the 1st day of June 2025.

IF YOUR TAXES ARE NOT ESCROWED, AND YOU DO NOT RECEIVE A TAX BILL BY JANUARY 10TH, please contact my office, (585) 624-6060, or email

DATED: December 31, 2024
Michelle Booth
Mendon Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes